Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Where thy victory, O grave? Alleluia!

Spring. Things are blooming, rivers are flowing, babies are being born, and the most important celebration for the Church is being planned for. It's Easter week. Our family has over the last few years started traditions for various celebrations with both food and liturgy, and a silly little one I started are "resurrection rolls" for Easter. They are hollow in the center, to symbolize Christ's empty tomb. They're fun and easy to make, and kids love them. Here's the recipe:

Resurrection Rolls

Frozen Bread Dough Rolls or your favorite dinner roll recipe
Large Marshmallows
Melted Butter
Sugar & Cinnamon Mixed together
  1. Prepare rolls to thaw according to package instructions. After they are fully thawed but before they rise, flatten the roll to about a 3 inch diameter.
  2. Place a marshmallow in the center of the dough and fold dough around it to cover the marshmallow.  Pinch edges of dough together to completely seal your marshmallow in its dough "tomb".  .  
  3. Roll dough covered marshmallow in the palm of your hand to smooth it out.
  4. Brush on or roll dough in melted butter.
  5. Sprinkle on or roll in cinnamon and sugar mixture.
  6. Place dough balls on greased cookie sheet.  Spray plastic wrap with non-stick cooking spray and cover the rolls.
  7. Let the rolls rise until they are double in size.  This takes about 30-60 minutes. 
  8. Remove the plastic wrap and bake your rolls at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.  Remove the rolls from the pan and cool on wire rack!
  9. Tear them open to see your "empty tomb". 

Happy Easter planning everyone!

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