Wednesday, February 16, 2011

From my kitchen....

I've been trying out some new recipes this week. This was spurred on by two things; company, and my new Pioneer Woman cookbook.

On Friday night my husband had the guys over for a jam night. Since they didn't even get here until 9:00 it turned into a not getting to bed until 3am kind of thing. And since all but one of them lives close, we had our spare room available for him. I figured I should probably do a little more than offer cold cereal in the morning (or afternoon), so here's what I decided to do:

                                                                 Maple Pecan Scones
These were fantastic! And the maple glaze brought these babies to a whole new level. For some reason PW doesn't have the recipe on her website, but you can get it here.

Last night we had some friends over for dessert and some Austen City Limits action, and here's what I decided to make:

                                                                       Crème Brûlée
Mmm.....there's not much else to say really. Other than I made a little blueberry chutney to go on top, and that I'm so very glad I made a few extra for later (yes, I see you exercise bike...). Here's the recipe.

I thought it would be good to also have something with a little texture, something a little more kid friendly just in case, and something that I could use the leftover maple frosting from the scones on. So I made these:

Angel Sugar Cookies
These were perfectly light, flaky, oodles of yumminess. And seriously, add the maple frosting. It made the whole thing. Try them.

So, I'm 3 for 3 in the new recipe department. If you haven't checked out the Pioneer Woman's website or cookbook, you must, you won't be sorry.


  1. I want a scone, or a cookie, or creme brulee.

  2. Oh I'm for sure going to make all three again, so I'll keep you posted. Also, you should get prize for being the first one ever to comment on here. Hmmm, scone?
